Front Of Bus

  • Inspect that bus does not lean from side to side or front to back.
  • Inspect that there are no puddles under the bus.
  • Inspect that ALL lenses are present, clean, proper color and not cracked or broken.
  • Inspect that ALL reflectors are present, not damaged and proper color. (if equipped)
  • Inspect that crossover mirrors are securely mounted, not damaged, with no missing part.

“First I will inspect the overall condition of the bus. It should not lean from side to side or front to back which might indicate a problem with the suspension. Looking under the bus there should be no puddles that might indicate a leak. All of the lights are present and the lenses are inspected next to make sure none are missing, all are clean, not cracked or broken and the proper color.
{if present} None of the reflectors appear damaged and are also the proper color”