What happens if you fail the “S” endorsement knowledge test three (3) times?

You surrender your current “S” endorsement card. Then you must reapply for a “S” endorsement learner’s permit and complete all training requirements for new drivers.


What should you do if you need to change your name or address on your driver’s license? 

Submit an application (DL-80CD) to change or correct information on license to PennDOT with the appropriate fee.


Describe your role as a School Bus Driver

Be patient and understanding; Be reliable, emotionally stable and mature; Be interested in the welfare and needs of others; Be aware of your moods and how these affect your driving


What are the three (3) steps of the Skills Examination?

Safety inspection; Basic Skills; On-road Driving Test


What drug and alcohol testing is required by federal law?

Pre-employment; Random; Post-Accident; Reasonable Suspicion; Return to Duty; Follow-UP


What are the initial requirements to become a School Bus Driver in Pennsylvania?

Eighteen (18) years of age or older; Have a valid driver’s license; Pass a Pennsylvania School Bus Driver’s Physical Examination (DL-704); Submit a Commercial Learner’s Permit Application (DL-31CD); Obtain a Knowledge Test Authorization and School Bus Learner’s Permi


Are School Bus Drivers are subject to random drug testing?

Yes. Anyone possessing a CDL is required by law to be included in an employer’s drug and alcohol testing program.


How many minimum hours of training are required to become a School Bus Driver in Pennsylvania?

Twenty (20) hours of instruction (minimum) consisting of fourteen (14) hours of classroom training and six (6) hours of one-on-one in-bus training.


What are your responsibilities as a School Bus Driver?

Your driving technique; Your passengers; Public Relations; Appropriate dress; Cooperating with your supervisor and fellow employees


What are the general health and safety requirements for School Bus Drivers?

Comply with policies regarding communicable diseases; Clean criminal history record; Clean child abuse record; No or limited motor vehicle crashes or traffic violations; Drug and Alcohol free when driving; Not consume any alcohol eight (8) hours prior to operating a school bus.


How often do you need a physical examination? 

Every 13 months.


When will you be notified by mail your annual physical is due for renewal?

Ninety days prior to expiration.


Does a driver have to sign the School Bus Driver’s Training Report Form (DL-714)

Yes. Signature on the Training Report Form certifies under penalty of law that the information contained on the form is true and correct.


What can you do to establish a positive relationship with your passengers?

A: There are many things you can do, including: (1) Greet students in a friendly manner when they board the bus; (2) Learn your students’ names; (3) Express interest in each student; (4) Compliment good conduct, habits, and deeds; and (5) Explain rules at the beginning of the year.


Who is required to submit a valid DOT Medical Examiner’s Certificate to PennDOT in order to maintain their CDL? 

Commercial drivers engaged in non-excepted transportation.


How long is the Knowledge Test Authorization and School Bus Learner’s Permit valid?

One year


When is reasonable suspicion drug and alcohol testing done?

When a trained supervisor observes specific, contemporaneous, articulable objective facts indicating current drug or alcohol use.


How will you know when to recertify?

The date is listed on your School Bus Endorsement card (yellow card). Also, DOT will notify you by mail one year before your endorsement expires.


How often do you need a physical examination?

Every thirteen (13) months.


What credentials must a school bus driver carry when operating a school bus?

A valid CDL with the “S” endorsement; A valid school bus endorsement card; A valid physician’s certificate (DL-742); A vehicle registration card for the bus being driven; A valid insurance card; DOT physical, if applicable


How long after leaner’s permit is issued are you eligible to take the skills examination?

Fifteen (15) days


What is considered is the result of a drug and/or alcohol test considered positive?

If the individual is found to have a quantifiable presence of a prohibited substance in the body above the minimum thresholds defined in 49 CFR Part 40.


What should your attitude toward your supervisor be?

Professional and cooperative. Your relationship with your supervisor and your co-workers is a partnership. They, along with you, are members of a team.


What federal hours of service regulations are you required to comply with?

Maximum ten (10) hours after eight (8) hours off duty; Not drive after having been on duty for fifteen (15) hours following eight (8) consecutive hours off duty; Not drive after 60/70 hours on duty in 7/8 consecutive days.


How does a driver recertify their “S” endorsement?

Complete seven (7) hours of classroom training, three (3) hours of one-on-one in-bus training/testing, and pass the “S” endorsement knowledge test.


What should you do if you are not given the minimum number of training hours or your in-bus training was not one-on-one?

Do not sign the report (DL-714). You may contact PennDOT’s School Bus Unit at (717) 787-6453 or ra-pdschoolbushelp@pa.gov


When is post-accident drug and alcohol testing federally mandated?

required for any crash involving afatality; or bodily injury requiring immediate medical treatment away from the scene AND the employee/driver has been issued a citation; or vehicle damage sufficient to require any of the involved vehicles to be towed AND the employee/driver has been issued a citation. Note: Pennsylvania state law (Section 3756 of Title 75) requires testing after any reportable crash in a school bus.


How often are you required to renew your school bus driver endorsement?

Every four (4) years.
