Pre Trip – Front Of Bus
Front Of Bus “First I will inspect the overall condition of the bus. It should not lean from side to side or front to back which might indicate a problem with the suspension. Looking under the bus there should be no puddles that might indicate a leak. All of the lights are present and the…
Pre Trip – Emergency Brake Test
Emergency Brake Test “I am continuing to fan the brake in order to test the emergency brake. It should engage between 20 and 45 psi. That is indicated by the Parking Brake popping out.”
Pre Trip – Air Warning Devices Test
Air Warning Devices Test “Next I will test the low pressure warning devices. This is done by pressing and releasing the Service Brake, fanning off air pressure. The warning devices, in this case an alarm and red light on the gauges, must activate before the pressure drops to 55 psi.“
Pre Trip – Air Leakage Rate Test
Air Leakage Rate Test “Next I will make sure there is no excessing air leakage. This is done by releasing the Parking Brake and applying the Service Brake, which is held throughout the test. After an initial loss of air the gauges will stabilize. This is when I will begin to time for one minute.…
Pre Trip – Air Gauges & Governor Cutoff
Air Gauges & Governor Cutoff ” I am going to inspect that my air gauges and governor cutoff are working. Before starting the engine I would make sure the bus does not move while in neutral and the parking brake is released. If it does I would chock the wheels. {if necessary pump brakes until…
Pre Trip – Service Brake
Service Brake “I will now test the service brake to assure it is working under normal conditions. I do this by releasing the service brake, pulling forward about 5 mph and applying the service brake until the bus is completely stopped. It should not pull to one side or the other.”
Pre Trip – Parking Brake
Parking Brake “I will test the parking brake is working correctly and the bus does not move when I attempt to pull forward with it engaged and my foot off the service brake.”
Pre Trip – Traffic Monitoring
Traffic Monitoring Devices “I would check all my exterior mirrors at this time to determine if the are properly adjusted when I view them from the driver’s seat. Also, if my bus was equipped with traffic monitoring cameras I would assure they were clean, in working condition, properly adjusted, and viewable from inside the bus.”

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